[#Andy note – This is a post in the Throwback Thursday series where I am importing all of my old blogs and articles into the new andysite.net and giving a brief thought or two looking back 5-10 years later.]
Only took a year, but here’s the second Throwback Thursday article. I promise, some actual content WILL be up this week. I swear… sorta.
The second article in this series will show how nothing changes. By my count, this is the 4th time(*) I’ve attempted to start writing again. This post was my intro to the 2nd restart back in April of 2009. I specifically tried to shift into my interests at the time, which basically meant more Cavs talk, less long-form stories to make you laugh. From a brief look, it lasted two months and a whopping six posts… including the intro. Also, in an amusing coincidence with the last #TBT post that involved the 2010 Cavs, this entry briefly brings up the 2008-09 Cavs which is my favorite team by far and ended with the best record in Franchise History (which I then bought a shirt that says as much!). I’d put a picture of it here, but I haven’t decided how to handle images on the new blog. Probably should get on that. Anyway…
(*) Probably 7th if you include my joint-venture with Nick (Relevant Rambling) or my blog specifically dedicated to my IT internship… that also never finished.
5 Observations looking back…
- I’m so prescient. 6 years later, I finally moved off of Blogger!
- Yay for old technology. Two YouTube videos are linked to in the post. These days, there is the fancy embed tag which I’m going to attempt to use now!
- I had completely forgotten about that Heineken commercial. Except for the fact the YouTube video is in a different language, it still holds up…. Why did I link to a YouTube video from a different country? Was there really no version of it in English? Oh internet in 2009, you crazy.
- The phenomenon of a single commercial being overplayed way too much during a sporting event (March Madness and the NBA Playoffs are notorious for this) didn’t stop**… or start there. The first I heard of it was the 2004 Olympics when HD wasn’t yet mainstream, so they sold different ads than the SD broadcast. Except, when I used a plural there, it should have been singular. They sold ONE ad… for a Sony Wega HDTV set… to people that already had HDTVs. Oddly enough, I CAN’T find it on YouTube, but here’s a link. I can’t imagine how maddening that would have been every commercial break.
- My favorite part is the ending where I promised future posts. To no one’s surprise, I never wrote any of them. I’m so intrigued about Baja Fresh and the Coke Machine that Wasn’t. I may actually do some digging into old photos and call some old friends and see if I can unearth that one.
(**) This is one of the things I have planned for a future post.
Until next Thursday…